25 ene 2020

Gran valor!

Amia Srinivasan:
La joven filósofa que ocupa el lugar de GA Cohen en Oxford
The Oxford philosopher on animal rights, abortion and the far-right


1 comentario:

  1. Anónimo9:01 p.m.


    Esperaba encontrar alguna reflexión interesante sobre el tema del aborto, pero no hay nada.

    "Take abortion, for example, a subject that moral philosophers have wrestled with since the 1960s. Srinivasan says she is not “particularly interested in the questions that philosophers entertain when they think about abortion.

    “They act as if the only question to ask when you talk about the ethics of abortion [concerns] the status of the foetus and/or the right to kill. But you can’t talk about abortion as a social and political phenomenon without talking about systematic male control of women’s reproductive capacities.”

    Se puede pensar que la prohibición del aborto a requerimiento es una forma de "control" de la sexualidad de los varones que están obligados muchas veces (contra lo que serían sus "deseos" naturales), a usar forro.

