4 mar 2014

Derecho y asuntos públicos. Este viernes en Oxford

Para la comunidad oxoniense y aledaños, este viernes cerramos con Ms. Helena Alviar un gran encuentro sobre Derecho, Política y Constituciones, en el St. Antony de Oxford. Al que ande por ahí, le damos la bienvenida. Más info, acá

Speakers: Joaquim Falcão, Helena Alviar, Roberto Gargarella
Venue: St Antony's College Pavillion Room
The purpose of the Graduate Conference on Latin America Law and Policy is to open an academic space for consideration of the role of law and policy in this region, as old problems persist and new challenges loom ahead. Also, it aims to provide graduate students with an opportunity to meet and to discuss their work. Attendance to this conference is free, but previous registration at eventbrite is mandatory and the limited number of spots at the conference room will be allocated on a first-come and first-serve basis. If you want to guarantee your place, come early.
The first edition organized by Andrés Palacios and Larissa Boratti at UCL in 2013 counted with 10 panelists, 4 faculty members, and was a huge success – and we must thank UCL and the UCL Colombian Society for this. The second edition in Oxford will have 3 keynote speakers, 11 panelists, and 9 faculty members.

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