6 dic 2017

Constituent Assemblies: Elster, Gargarella et al, eds. (Cambridge U.P. 2018)


Elster, Gargarella, Naresh, Rasch, eds., CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLIES, Cambridge U.P. 2018
(Amazon info, acá)


Jon Elster, Roberto Gargarella, Vatsal Naresh and Bjørn Erik Rasch: Introduction

Udit Bhatia: Precautions in democratic experience: The nexus between political power and competence
Christina Bucur, José Antonio Cheibub, Shane Martin and Bjørn Erik Rasch: Constitution-making and legislative involvement in government formation.
Jon Elster: The political psychology of constitution-making
Jon Elster: A race against time: The making of the Norwegian constitution of 1814
Roberto Gargarella: Constitution-making in the context of plural societies. The “accumulation strategy”.
Thorvaldur Gylfason: Chain of legitimacy: Constitution-making in Iceland
Hanna Lerner: Constituent assemblies and political continuity in divided societies.
Mara Malagodi: Constituent assembly failure in Pakistan and Nepal
Gabriel L. Negretto: Constituent assemblies in democratic constitution orders. The problem of a legally limited convention.

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